AWR France Wrestling Tour #5: Rouen, Paris & HOME!

AWR France Wrestling Tour #5: Rouen, Paris & HOME!

TSA: Children who “opt out” of the pat down will be told Santa is dead.Day 14 – Rouen:  Up, down. Up, down. Up-down-up-down-up-down. Slower. Up. Down. Up. Down. Sigh. My armrest is broken. It won’t click into place. Dammit. Another 6 a.m. start, which is challenging since we don’t get back to the hotel until […]

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AWR France Wrestling Tour: Scarefest & Bordeaux

AWR France Wrestling Tour: Scarefest & Bordeaux

AWR France Wrestling Tour: Scarefest & BordeauxMen are like FASHION: The cutest ones are usually European.I’m spending most of November doing another European wrestling tour for AWR…I know, you are wondering if I’m frigging stupid? I couldn’t resist though! I pretty much ONLY do this for the travel at this point…and j’adore France! However, trying […]

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