June 1st: World Cup Soccer. Go USA! (Yeah, it’ll probably never happen, but hey…one can cheer, can’t one?)Cool Email of the Week…“Hey April I hope all is well. USA has no chance of winning the world cup because we all know England will win the world cup. Your main...
Part Deux – Can I Get A Coffee “To Go”?DAY 4 (Saturday, show day, still no suitcase) – Red Bull is illegal here. And there’s no such thing as coffee to go! I had to literally stand at a bar and slam a cappuccino…but trust me, I managed. Breakfast was skipped in order...
(Plz use dscn0031.jpg (me w/Marseille sign) as the opener.)Marseille, France – Tour De Force:: Planes, Trains and a Tiny Hatchback Automobile.Marseille (Mar-SAY) – A Greek settlement founded in the 7th century BC, then called Massilia, Marseille was seized by the...
Before I became a well-traveled and fairly in-demand burlesque showgirl, (which led to modeling…then fitness competitions…and eventually professional wrestling) I got my feet wet dancing in perilously high heels as a go-go dancer.Previous to THAT, I had a “real” job....
Hi! We here at AprilHunter.com (which would pretty much just be me) would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season. Thank you very, very much for your company in 2008. I’m deeply grateful to each of you who have ever come to an appearance, bought a photo/dvd...
What have I been up too? Taking lots of pictures and realizing I haven’t many friends at all. Long story, but let it suffice to say that if you have one true friend you can really count on, you’re a lucky puppy.I took a break for July, There just isn’t much going on...